Monday, October 21, 2019

Anime Release Battle for Warcraft 3 patch 1.26

Hi guys, how are you?
I have good news for those who play in Warcraft 3 patch 1.26.
A few days ago you could see that I had problems with patch 1.26 by editing the map in 1.30.4, I really thought I could no longer transfer the map to patch 1.26, but fortunately after many failed tests and attempts I was able to restore all systems, including tournament events, AI, tavern selection, camera, gold and so on. 
I'm still working on the Heroes who had their skills bugged, here's their list:

-Boa Hancock - R e T skills

Soon I will be posting the fully fixed map for download. See you soon ^^


  1. I have so far recovered some of the heroes I mentioned above, but I had to remove the AI ​​from the map.
    What do you think?
